Russia Will Not Talk Frith


Leaders in Russia say that talk of frith will not happen unless the West acknowledges Russia's ownership of the land taken from Ukraine. Meanwhile, Volodymyr Zelenskyy says he will not think of talking frith until all land is given back, even Crimea.

It has only been a few months since Russia took over 4 shires in southern Ukraine. Much of the land is still being fought over, with Russia pulling out of northern Kherson already.

With the fight between Ukraine and Russia having no end in sight, the European Union and other western riches are fanding to put an upper bound on the worth of oil that Russia is selling.

However, Russia says it will sell their oil for whatever they think it is worth, and not abide by these holds. If any rich keeps to these upper bounds, Russia will stop selling to them altogether and seek other buyers who are offering more.

If western riches do go through with these holds on Russia's oil, and are afterwards cut off, then it could put Europe in a great plight as winter draws near.

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