Thursday night, Russia sent up a starcraft bearing a lander that is
headed for the Moon. This undertaking, called Luna-25, marks Russia's
first wayfare to the Moon in nearly 50 years.
The main goal of the undertaking is to land a drone near the Moon's
southmost end, where it is thought that there may be frozen water. If
ice is found, it could help witshippers learn a great deal about the
yorelore of our Moon.
The Soyuz starcraft took off from Russia's far eastern Amur shire. It
should take the craft until August 16th to reach the Moon and begin
flying rings over it. From there the lander will likely be sent down
within a week.
Looking ahead, Russia has more Moon undertakings laid out, like Luna-26
and Luna-27, which seek to go above and beyond this one. However
Russia's trade networks have been greatly thrown off owing to their
fighting with Ukraine. If things keep going as they are, Russia may
need to make more of the bits for their crafts on their own, instead of
shipping them in from elsewhere.