Bernard Hill Has Died


The film star Bernard Hill died early Sunday morning, leaving behind his former wife and one son. Hill was best known for playing King Theoden in two of the "Lord of the Rings" films, as well as Shiplord Smith in the beloved James Cameron film "Titanic."

Hill was born in Manchester, England, in 1944. He was raised Catholic by kinfolk who worked as delvers. He started his higher learning at a Catholic lorehouse, then later went to a showplaying lorehouse in Manchester. He is said to have been struck by David Warner's playing of "Hamlet" and wanted to do likewise.

He first became well known for playing in the British farseer show "Boys From The Black Stuff." From there, he went on to work alongside many other big names in film, such as Val Kilmer, Tom Cruise, and Peter Jackson.

Most lately, he was playing in a BBC show about lawwards called "The Responder," which is still ongoing. While he will be greatly missed by his kin and followers of his work, his likeness will live on in the many films he played in.

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