Susan Wojcicki Has Died


The former head of YouTube, Susan Wojcicki, died yesterday owing to her ongoing lung illness. Wojcicki is left behind by her husband, Dennis Troper, and their four living children.

She became head of YouTube in 2014, where she ran it up until early last year, when she stepped down and put Neal Mohan in her stead so that she could deal with her health hardships and set aside more time with her kin.

Amid her oversight of YouTube, the film and streaming webstead, she started sundry new things, like YouTube Red and YouTube Shorts, which were well liked. However, Wojcicki was called out by some folks for not handling the spread of mislore on YouTube well. In answer, she is known for having tightened the laws on YouTube to put an end to it.

Wojcicki had been with Google almost since the beginning, when she hired out her wainshed for Sergey Brin and Larry Page to work in. The head of Google, Sundar Pichai, said on X that he was greatly saddened by her death and that Wojcicki was at the heart of Google's yorelore.

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