Jimmy Carter Has Died


The 39th foresitter of the US, Jimmy Carter, died yesterday at his home in Plains, Georgia. At one hundred years old, Carter was the longest-living former foresitter of US yorelore. He is left behind by 4 children who had many children of their own.

In his later years, Carter had done some time in sickhouses owing to his waning health. As of February of last year, Carter, with the backing of his kin, chose to live out the rest of his days in his home with health workers caring for him there.

Before becoming foresitter, Carter was the 76th boroughreeve of Georgia from 1971-1975. Running in the Democrat wieldcraft fold, he went on to win the hearts and minds of Americans in the 1976 US foresitter race.

Amid his leadership, Carter had to deal with much harshness from the Soviet Union as well as Iran. In 1979, near the end of Carter's foresittership, 53 US errandrakes were locked up as yisels in Iran. This untimely happening in Iran likely led to Carter's loss to Ronald Reagan in the 1980 foresitter race.

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